Monday, May 30, 2016

Puzzle & Dragons: June Bride Seasonal Gacha

Fun Fact about the gacha theme:月の花嫁-rokugatsu-no-hanayome-june-bride

Card art:

Full Gacha card list: (please refer to around the second half of the page)

Card Info in English:

Gadius is the MP card. Light cards galore in this Gacha! If you are running a mono-light team, there are quite a few gold eggs that are great subs in this Gacha.

I love the art for Echidna, Izanami and Eschamali the most but in terms of card usage, I think they are "wants" more than "needs", although Izanami might be good for my Yuna/ADQXQ/Hathor though. The first 2 are probably the most useful cards out of the silvers, Kano and Ruka though.

Kano and Ruka are nowhere near as good as New Year Mitsuki, they could very well just have been silvers but it's great for additional MP when I sell I guess... I rolled a Kano and am planning to sell her.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Puzzle & Dragons: New Year Gacha and Dungeon returns for Japan

Previous post:

New Year (NY) event gacha and dungeon back to commemorate "Famitsu Awards 2015 Favorite app Award" Gungho received on May 10, 2016. NY Ama will be in the shop for this period as well.

Card buffs:

Reddit Discussion:

Notable pulls that I saw used in videos:
- 8* NY Ama on Ra Dragon teams
- 5* NY Hanzo on Superman teams
- 5* NY Mitsuki on Orchid teams (machine killer for Mech Zeus/Hera)
- perhaps 8* NY Kanna as enhancer for Ra Dragon or Dragon teams like the new Sherias Root.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Puzzle & Dragons: PAD Radar app (Updated)

PAD Radar App guides from reddit and discussion

Even if you are not in Japan, you can still collect orbs after you move at least 1KM from a location and use it to exchange for stuff like weekday dungeons, 99 of a stat and piis. I haven't tried out the friend finder yet but I guess it should work for any part of the world...

The friend finder does work and it seems to be finding friends for me that are from Japan, going by the names, so it isn't as cool.

Useful information from PAD Blog:

Orb search reset timings (I'm assuming it's JST)

I've noticed I can get orbs again while staying at the same location so I think those reset timings are the reason behind it. If you are on the same location and have reached those timings, do a search again before you leave to another place.

Also, it seems that the game doesn't persist over multiple devices of the same OS like how PAD can; if you go to another device, you have to relink your game to retrieve your save orbs via your PAD game but beware, I think the saved data is not instant as I switched and noticed an earlier search I collected not updated to my new device and lost 3 rainbow orbs!

I really dislike the app making me use it every once in a while to swipe orbs on screen; it just feels like a chore. However, I've gotten about 1.5 cards +297 from redeeming the rewards and also with another +297 on the way. I've also redeemed quite a few Monday and Friday dungeons that I didn't play yet. (Note that you might have to change your timezone to Japan to see the dungeons after activating them from your mail) I guess I'll just keep on using the app...

Puzzle & Dragons: Japan's Mini/Chibi Gacha

New Chibis Info:

Official Rarity breakdown:

I believe the seasonal pink REM are no longer having anymore chibis, if it has not already. They get their own gacha now except some like the chibi heroes, normal Isis, normal Amaterasu silvers, chibi Red Odin and Chiyome. 

The most notable pulls IMO will be mini hera and Lilith for their active skill as inheritance for arena. Mini hera in particular has one of the highest % gravity active skill at the moment. Other than that, the boardchanger actives are good for inheritance as well. Do note that other than the silvers, they have the same stats as their normal counterpart and that both Metatrons and Red Sonia chibis will get their leader skill buffed to match their normal counterparts.

In terms of using as a sub though, light valkyrie is probably the most used out of the current chibis. I can see Dark Valkyrie and maybe Awoken Isis, Awoken Amaterasu and UVO Pandora of the new batch of chibis joining her. The last one being a lot of people's favourite. I am going to roll at least once even though I know the rolls are better spent on Godfests.