Self-plagiarised from my other Magic blog:
I’ve been looking forward to playing this as I had the PS3 2012 version and wanted to see the improvements. For one, I find the loading time on the iPad to be much faster. I don’t intend to unlock the full version yet as I’m still busy playing Diablo 3 and can afford to wait for any price drop.
Overall, the game is fun but I have some minor issues with the graphics on my iPad 2. It seems that the game were meant for the new iPad as it wasn’t sharp and in Planechase mode particularly, the cards are hard to read unless you zoom in.
I also had difficulty with discarding more than 1 card as there are no visual indicators for the cards that were selected. Those are still not enough to keep me from buying it, even at full price, but only after I’m done with Diablo.
Update: I also notice that there is no option to mulligan your hand at the start.
iTunes App Store link: Magic 2013 - Wizards of the Coast