Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Puzzle & Dragons: My latent tamadras allocation and some Arena 1.0 team latent setup links

Wrote this piece over at the Puzzle and Dragons Forum:

Edit: I've decided to remove the copy here so I don't have to update multiple copies of the article. Please refer to the link for the latest copy.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Puzzle & Dragons: New Year 2016 Gacha Cards and my thoughts on them

Cards and info can be found in this list:

Card art and REM gacha machine art:寵物圖檔更新-(20隻寵物&正月抽蛋機)

NYAmaterasu will be available in MP shop for 300K MP.

GameWith ratings: http://パズドラ

Game8 ratings:

Event-themed REM are usually just filled with color-swapping event-themed art card but as this timing coincides with the new type-killer and co-op awakenings, this REM provides a way for "early access" to those awakenings. 

The worst card is probably NYTengu. The only changes from the original Tengu was the sub-color which hardly mattered and the LS probably isn't good enough anyway. A more useful AS or more awakenings would have been so much better. Therefore, I think you are basically spending 5 stones for a NY themed-art of a descend-farmable boss.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Puzzle & Dragons: Christmas Gacha 2015

New card info, Game8 and GameWith Card ratings link from the first post I created over at the PAD forum: Xmas Gacha 2015: 12/14 00:00JST ~ 12/27 23:59JST

It looks the same as most other event gachas like PAD Academy or Summer, nothing that is absolutely necessary and just some color change of normal cards. I think the event is mostly to get some Christmas themed cards and it is nice that we do not get any non-event themed cards this time!