Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Day 12 in the Zombie Apocalypse

- Did an Elite Hunt at Clayton Cemetery using saved daily rewards; it seems that coins from jobs have dried up. I managed to catch 8 3* and a 4*. I think any hunt with a 4* is considered good with the low drop rates I'm seeing.

- DC has reached 1 million downloads worldwide and is celebrating with a Elite ticket for players registered by 28 February 4am EST.

- Met a player with +100 points in Boneyard but didn't manage to win. It went down to the last Zombie and I wondered if it will have made any difference if I boosted my guardian's stats. One of the other memorable matches was having last 5* getting 1-hit KO from Nurse/Nun's charm skill. This was at least the second time it happened to me in Boneyard. I did had 1 match in the first 0th Boneyard where my 3* Colonel survived repeated Cleopatra charms to take her down.